How To Write For Different Audiences Effectively.

To create targeted content for different audiences effectively, you need to connect with your audience and put yourself in their shoes. Sometimes, we make the mistake of writing for ourselves, and we forget who the person is reading the page. Similarly, to my post on How to Write Real Estate ads, it’s important to get inside the mind of the reader.

Who Is My Audience When Writing?

Research to understand who your customers are and their main pain points. For example, Wordstamp offers content writing services for various business sectors, including real estate, e-commerce, and trades and services.

The Wordstamp customer would be:

  • A real estate agent or agency – let’s call her Jane.
  • Someone who runs an online store and sells products – let’s call him Mike.
  • A labourer who owns a business and requires website content – let’s call him Greg.
  • An author who needs an editor – let’s call her Mary.
  • A business owner who specialises in I.T services – let’s call him Stuart.

What are their pain points?

  • Time constraints: Jane and Mike don’t have the time to write all their ads. They’ve got so many other things to do for their business on a day-to-day basis that writing ads would eat up too much of their time.
  • Poor writing skills: Greg is a great plumber and offers a fantastic service at an affordable rate, but he doesn’t know how to put that into words on his website. He fears he will sound unprofessional and be perceived as an amateur.
  • Blind to errors: Mary’s an incredible writer, but she’s read her book about 1000 times, and all the words are starting to look the same. She needs someone with fresh eyes to correct her errors.
  • Lack of Creativity: Stuart is a successful business owner, and he's decided a blog would be a great way to engage with his customers. Unfortunately, he lacks creativity. He needs someone who can research and write about interesting topics.
  • Money: Jane, Mike, Greg, Mary and Stuart will all try and do the job themselves before sourcing a professional writer. They’ll realise that the time spent isn’t worth their while.

Once you discover who the audience is and what their pain points are, then you can weave solutions within your content.

Wordstamp’s content solutions are:

  • Fast turnaround times: Jane and Mike no longer have to worry about their ads not being completed on time.
  • Quality content: Greg now feels comfortable knowing that his website effectively communicates his services and positions him as a pro within the online world.
  • Attention to detail: Mary is now ready to publish her book and show her friends and family. She’s relieved that her book is free from spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Affordable rates: You don’t have to spend a fortune to get professional content. And if you are spending a lot of money, then it’s time to ask why. If you want to know more, check out our pricing examples.

How Important Is My Audience When Writing?

Your audience is your customer. They’re one of the most important factors to any business because without them; there is no business. So, when you write, write for them.

How Does The Audience Affect My Writing?

The content you produce is dependent on the style and tone you adopt to engage your audience. For example, if you visit Wordstamp’s landing page: , you will find that most of my headings end in prepositions, which is considered incorrect in the English language.

What Is A Preposition?

It’s not wrong to use a preposition, but it is considered wrong to end your sentence or phrase with a preposition. For example, on you’ll see two headings:

  • What We’re All About
  • Who We Work With

The words “About” and “With” are prepositions, and as you can see, I’ve used them to conclude my headlines.

This is considered grammatically wrong. BUT… who is my audience here? My audience is the everyday business owner looking for someone to create their content. Wordstamp isn’t a banking institute or an education facility or a massive corporation trying to attract other multi-billion-dollar businesses.

It’s a business which creates content for those who struggle to create content. It adopts a casual and conversational tone to engage with that everyday customer and how they would speak if we had a chat over the phone. So yes, knowing your audience will affect the style of writing you adopt, but as long as you are consistent with your style, tone and messaging, then you’re on the right track to creating great quality content for your audience who you now know inside out.

A Word From Wordstamp

  • Know Your Audience
  • Understand their Pain Points
  • Provide Solutions for your Audience
  • Structure your Content around your Audience
  • If you’re a Greg, Mike, Jane, Stuart or Mary with similar pain points – contact Wordstamp. We’ll create professional content suited to your target audience, and offer fast turnaround times at an affordable rate you can’t say no to.*
